Musicians for Musicians brings together musicians of all kinds in the cause of their mutual self-betterment and to elevate their work to the level of a true profession.
MFM needs your participation in order to grow and make a difference. We will provide you with tools, resources, support, and a network of musicians who stand behind one concept: #MakingMusicIsAProfession.
MFM and the music community must collaborate and act collectively in order to fight unfair pay especially by the the digital service providers, such as Spotify and YouTube.
MFM supports political actions leading to the amendment of the “Safe Harbor” provision (section 512) of the DMCA.
And it backs the American Music Fairness Act which demands musicians getting paid for AM/FM radio airplay.
Further details of these campaigns as well as announcements of official MFM action in this regard, will be forthcoming.
Work out a general agreement for performing musicians.
Improve the member portal and expand MFM’s online magazine DooBeeDooBeeDoo NY to promote our members
Contact NYC’s “musician-friendly” venues and discuss a guaranteed performance agreement.
Invite the VIP (1%) musicians to our organization to advocate #UnityInTheMusicCommunity and #MakingMusicIsAProfession.
Help members become familiar with the inner workings of the music business, including the digital / Internet world.
Form alliances with the AFM and other musician support organizations and support them in their endeavors.
Reach out to politicians who care for musicians rights.
Organize an MFM Music Festival in the near future (with performances by our members).
If you believe in MFM, please get on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or the platform of your choice and snap a photo of yourself displaying our mission: #MakingMusicIsAProfession or #UnityInTheMusicCommunity Be proud and say it loud!
MFM Hudson Valley Chapter Meet Up #1 w. Jazz Maestro Joe Lovano
The MFM Hudson Valley Chapter Meet Up #1 w. Jazz Maestro Joe Lovano is held in Kingston (NY), October 12th, 2019. This public meet up is organized and run by Musicians For Musicians (MFM) President Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi (347-963-1448) and member Stephen Johnson...
MFM Public Musicians Forum #17 Report
Date: July 24, 2019 Venue: WingSpan Arts (NY) By Dawoud Kringle On Tuesday, August 27th, 2019, MFM held its 17th Public Musician’s Forum. The meeting opened with Sohrab Saadat Ladjavardi (MFM President) and Billy Harper (BoD) introducing special guest speaker Nivair...
MFM Presents: “Make Music Your Business” #9 Workshop with Ken Hatfield
Ken Hatfield Speaking About Copyright - legally protecting your creations. Understanding, securing and defending the most fundamental of all artists' rights. Date: Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 Time: 7pm to 8:30pm Venue: Wingspan Arts (Film Center Building, 630 9th...
MFM Public Musicians Forum #16 Report
MFM Public Musicians Forum #16 Report Date: July 24, 2019 Venue: WingSpan Arts (NY) By Dawoud Kringle On Wednesday, July 24th, 2019, MFM held its Public Musicians Forum #16 at Wingspan Arts in New York City led by Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi (President) and Billy Harper...
MFM Public Musicians Forum #15 Report
By Dawoud Kringle Date: June 23, 2019 Venue: WingSpan Arts (NY) The MFM Public Musicians Forum #15 began with a discussion of the recent Make Music NY (MMNY) event on June 21st, 2019. MFM members Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi, on sax and vocals, Billy Harper on sax, David...
The MFM Unity Ensemble Live In Harlem
MFM has been invited by Make Music NY 2019 to perform in their all-day event this Friday June 21. We view our involvement in the event as an extension of our overall mission, which is #UnityInTheMusicCommunity and #MakingMusicIsAProfession. Our group is composed...