Musicians for Musicians brings together musicians of all kinds in the cause of their mutual self-betterment and to elevate their work to the level of a true profession.
MFM needs your participation in order to grow and make a difference. We will provide you with tools, resources, support, and a network of musicians who stand behind one concept: #MakingMusicIsAProfession.
MFM and the music community must collaborate and act collectively in order to fight unfair pay especially by the the digital service providers, such as Spotify and YouTube.
MFM supports political actions leading to the amendment of the “Safe Harbor” provision (section 512) of the DMCA.
And it backs the American Music Fairness Act which demands musicians getting paid for AM/FM radio airplay.
Further details of these campaigns as well as announcements of official MFM action in this regard, will be forthcoming.
Work out a general agreement for performing musicians.
Improve the member portal and expand MFM’s online magazine DooBeeDooBeeDoo NY to promote our members
Contact NYC’s “musician-friendly” venues and discuss a guaranteed performance agreement.
Invite the VIP (1%) musicians to our organization to advocate #UnityInTheMusicCommunity and #MakingMusicIsAProfession.
Help members become familiar with the inner workings of the music business, including the digital / Internet world.
Form alliances with the AFM and other musician support organizations and support them in their endeavors.
Reach out to politicians who care for musicians rights.
Organize an MFM Music Festival in the near future (with performances by our members).
If you believe in MFM, please get on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or the platform of your choice and snap a photo of yourself displaying our mission: #MakingMusicIsAProfession or #UnityInTheMusicCommunity Be proud and say it loud!
Report: 2024 MFM Annual Membership Meeting
Report by Dawoud Kringle On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, MFM held its annual membership meeting. The Zoom meeting was hosted by MFM's new Vice President, Adam Reifsteck. The first item on the agenda was votes on the Board of Directors. Reifsteck tallied the votes on...
ACTION ALERT! NO “AM for Every Vehicle Act” without AMFA!
Dear Members and the PUBLIC, Congress is considering a new law requiring car manufacturers to include AM radio in every new vehicle. If Congress gives the radio industry a big handout, it must ensure that featured musicians are paid when their music is played on...
Report: 2024 MFM-RMA MIXER
Text by Roger Blanc On Monday, December 2nd, 6:00-8:00 PM, MFM members participated in a Membership Gathering and Social Mixer on the beautiful top floor of the Avalon Clinton on West 52nd Street between 10th &11th Avenues in Manhattan. The event was sponsored in...
MFM ZOOM Roundtable Discussion #2: the Value of African Music
MFM Presents "Music Is Essential," a Zoom Roundtable Discussion Among MFM Members – Musicians with a Deep Connection to African Music – Speaking on the Value of Studying Music in Africa. Date: Monday, October 7th, 2024Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm....
Cross-Cultural Connection Presents “Jazz in the Park”
On Sunday, August 11 from 1 PM to 7 PM, jazz saxophonist and MFM member Ray Blue's nonprofit Cross-Cultural Connection will present its 6th Annual Jazz Festival on the beautiful Peekskill waterfront. Jazz in the Park is a free concert SUPPORTED BY VARIOUS SPONSORS. It...
Review…“The more the people are organized, the better” – Fela Kuti
Review by David Gilden In April (2024) Musicians For Musicians (MFM) presented a global roundtable discussionon the legacy of Fela Kuti’s music and activism, as part of their ongoing “Music Is Essential,” series. Produced by MFM's President Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi...