MFM Public Musicians Forum #6

“Musicians – we have to stop being so proud of being “very independent” and realize that: We are not alone. We are connected as in group of jazz musicians or, just group of musicians.
Like it or not …… it has been the “negative stigma” placed on us as a “group”.
Therefore, it is necessary for us to “join together” ….for our own good.
To end: let us learn how to support each other!
Wouldn’t that be great … after being taught to “fight and compete with each other?”

– Billy Harper
MFM’s President Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi and jazz man and new MFM Board member Billy Harper invite you to this month’s MFM Public Musicians Forum #6.
Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Venue: Upper West Side Yeoryia Studios, 2067 Broadway, (Between 71st & 72nd Streets), New York, NY 10023, Studio name: Norma (#55, 5Fl.)
Please RSVP by calling to Sohrab at 347-963-1448 or emailing him
You’re welcome to bring musicians with you, but please RSVP your guests as well. The number of chairs are limited!


Dawoud’s Forum #5 report: (photo below).


7:00 – 7:20pm: David Freeman speaks about teaching musicians

7:20 – 7:35pm: Brain specialist Dr. Kamran Fallahpour speaks about “Music And Brain / Depression”

7:35 – 8:00pm: MMA follow up. Speak about next campaigns: DMCA reform and FairPayFairPlay Act and why activism is important to address and fight musician issues

8:00 – 8:15pm: Break

8:15 – 8:25pm: MFM’s new mission statement

8:25 – 8:40pm: discuss the Musicians March 2020 in DC

8:40 – 9:00pm: What should be done ASAP? asked by Jimmy Owens